Self-Care & Skateboarding! Giving Female Entrepreneurs Wings, with the Red Bull Amaphiko Academy

Kayleigh Russant Prom Queen Social Club Put Yourself First Podcast

This week I’m interviewing two fantastic female entrepreneurs from the Red Bull Amaphiko Academy in Bradford! This podcast episode is proudly sponsored by Red Bull to celebrate their 8-day business academy that gives wings to social entrepreneurs making a positive difference in their communities.

First, I speak with Kayleigh Russant founder of Prom Queen Social Club. Kayleigh is passionate about female skateboarders being seen and having a safe, fun place to come and learn to skateboard! She hosts female-only skate nights and socials.

Regina Zheng co-founder of Mendü Red Bull Amaphiko Academy Put Yourself First Podcast Interview
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Second up is Regina Zheng, co-founder of Mendü – a self-care company providing tools and resources for women of colour. Specifically, helping them to deal with micro-aggressions and other daily stresses they have to handle.

Follow Kayleigh and Prom Queen Social Club
Instagram – @promqueensc

Follow Regina and Mendü

Find out more about Red Bull Amaphiko Academy

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