Kat Horrocks, Feminine Leadership & Embodiment Coach, Speaker, Healer & Spiritual Guide

CEO and Founder of Put Yourself First, a global community for female leaders ready to heal, step into their higher self and manifest their wildest dreams.

Kat Horrocks Mindset and Manifestation Healer and Coach

My mission on this Earth, in this lifetime, is to empower generations of women worldwide to put themselves first and manifest the life they deserve and desire.

When the world is full of magnetic women living a life full of pleasure, purpose and joy, everybody rises. Whole family lines and communities will heal, elevate and grow.

Activating Your Next Level

Your transformation begins here, inside and out

Kat Horrocks Mindset and Manifestation Coach, Speaker and Spiritual Guide for Women

I am an expert in trauma informed manifestation and mindset work. Inner child healing, the subconscious mind and nervous system regulation is at the core of everything I do.

What does this mean for you as my client?

It frees you from the shame, stories and limitations that are holding you back from receiving everything you deserve.

It opens you up to deeper self love and healing, creating lasting shifts in your life and in most cases, complete transformation inside and out.

Basically – get ready to feel like a whole new, expanded version of yourself.

Love, Joy, Connection, Freedom & Abundance.

Your Invitation

Are you ready to step into your next level and receive the joy, abundance and expansion you deserve and desire?

Are you ready to transform inside and out, on a cellular, energetic and spiritual level?

If your answer is YES, you’re in the right place. I invite you on this journey to your highest self.

My Story

10+ years of personal and spiritual development has taken me to some of the highest highs, and the lowest lows.

What started in my early twenties as a necessity to grow my confidence and self belief, became an integral part of who I am.

Having always had a strong connection with my intuition (even when everyone around me was like, “WTF are you doing?”) spirituality felt less like learning, and more like remembering for me. You could say I’m an old soul.

Over the next few years, I went on to discover my signature combination of mindset development, spiritual guidance and manifestation principles. The transformation in myself and my life was impossible to ignore.

Kat Horrocks Mindset and Manifestation Healer and Coach
From people pleasing good girl, to wild, bougie, witchy b*tch

I used to be the girl always sat at the back, scared to speak up, staying as small and quiet as possible.

I used to be the girl that would look outside of herself for everything. For worth, validation, love, acceptance.

The limiting stories I told myself only proved themselves right – because your mind is never gonna make you wrong.

After all, whatever comes after “I am” is an affirmation.

Here were some of my ‘affirmations’. You can guess how these worked out for me…

  • “If I can just achieve X, then I’ll be happy. Then I’ll be praised, loved and accepted. I’m only as good as my latest achievement”
  • “I’m gonna be found out. They’re gonna realise I’m not supposed to be here. I don’t deserve this”
  • “When I am myself, I’m too much, and I make people feel uncomfortable. I better dilute who I am to fit in here”
  • “It’s safer to be quiet, small and not ask for what I need. I’d rather abandon myself and my needs to please them”


So what changed?

Put Yourself First

When I decided that it was time to put myself first, please myself, validate myself, heal myself, love and accept myself…

My whole life transformed

Kat Horrocks Mindset and Manifestation Healer and Coach

I healed parts of myself and my past that I never thought I’d be at peace with.

I opened my heart to the world and allowed people to meet the true me.

I set strong, loving boundaries and learned how to say no and protect my energy. I could have the hardest conversation and remain calm.

I activated unshakeable faith in my dream life. Manifesting my goals became second nature.

I rewired and regulated my nervous system, so stress and burnout was no longer the default.

I took the intimacy and connection in my partnership to the next level. My feminine energy work inspired my partner to lead and look after me in so many beautiful ways.

My connection with my higher self, the Universe, God, my angels and guides? Beyond what words can describe.

My leadership skills transformed, and my client’s results and experience skyrocketed. 

Every. Single. Thing. Changed.

And I see, without fail, the exact same transformation in the hundreds of women I have had the pleasure of working with.

When you put yourself first…

You are magnetic to your manifestations.
You have more clarity and internal guidance.
You are present in the lives of your loved ones.
You give freely, with zero resentment and 100% generosity.
You light up the room when you walk in.
You have the power to change the world.

Where I am today

The current chapter, and what’s to come…

I now live in Manchester with my (now fiancé) Adam, and our Beagle puppies Benji & Bella.

We are buying our dream home and planning our wedding.

In so many ways, I am living my younger self’s wildest dream.

This next chapter of my life is about expansion.

  • Expanding into the woman, coach and leader I’m here to be.
  • Expanding what’s truly possible for myself and every woman in my community.
  • Expanding the impact and transformation my clients have.

This is not about me anymore.

This is a global movement of ambitious women like you, putting yourself first, stepping into your highest self and manifesting a life beyond your wildest dreams.

You in?!

Kat Horrocks Mindset and Manifestation Healer and Coach

Let's work together

Enough about me, it’s time to focus on you! Whether you start with my free resources or dive right in and invest in yourself with my coaching programmes, I cannot wait to celebrate your success story as you begin this life-changing work.

Are you ready for your next level life? Let’s go…

1:1 Coaching

For soulful women in leadership ready to step into magnetic feminine energy, create wild success in their career and next-level healing and intimacy in their personal life.

The Put Yourself First Sisterhood

Join our monthly membership community full of like-minded women. Level up your life and manifest your goals for less than £1.50 a day!

Bio & Qualifications

I’m a lifelong student and love investing in myself to enhance my client’s experience

Kat Horrocks

Kat Horrocks is a Certified Mindset & Manifestation Coach, Founder of The Put Yourself First Sisterhood and Host of The Put Yourself First Podcast.

Based in Manchester, UK and serving hundreds of women worldwide with her 1:1 coaching, group programs, membership community and free content, she is a passionate leader, expert and guide in Feminine Leadership, Somatic Healing, Spirituality & Manifestation.

Certifications & Training