Create More Joy In Your Day!

Whether you’re a freelancer, stay at home parent, student, business owner or you work full or part time - in today’s post I’m inviting you to create more joy in your daily routine. However much of your schedule is in your hands, there will always be ways to sprinkle some positive vibes around. 

One of the perks of being a freelancer is I get to infuse so much joy into my day to day schedule. Of course, doing something I love for work helps, but I’m also in charge of when I work, how much I work, who I spend time with – so many different opportunities to create a positive day on purpose for myself. 

Whether you’re a freelancer, stay at home parent, student, business owner or you work full or part time – in today’s post I’m inviting you to create more joy in your daily routine. However much of your schedule is in your hands, there will always be ways to sprinkle some positive vibes around. 

Find big and small ways to add a little extra indulgence to the mundane – give yourself more reasons to smile! 

Morning Routine

Most of us are in control of the first few hours of our day. In the sense that we usually don’t have work to do (besides the parents out there!), everyone else is still asleep or getting ready for their day and it’s the perfect time for some uninterrupted self care. 

Whether it’s getting back in bed for 10 minutes with a cup of tea to read a book or listen to the radio, taking 5 minutes to pray or meditate before the to do list begins, sitting round the table and having breakfast with your family or fitting in a quick workout, everyone can find at least 1 or 2 ways to add joy to their morning routine. Check out my morning routine for inspo!

Travelling and Commutes

How many times have you got frustrated on your drive to work after seeing the traffic, or waiting at the train station when your train home is delayed? So many aspects of travelling is out of our control. What if you could let go of the frustration around that, and instead embrace that time and make it something fun!?

I LOVE to catch up on my favourite podcasts whilst driving. Not only does it pass the time on a long, slow journey in rush hour, it also puts me in an awesome mood listening to inspiring people. When I arrive at my destination I’m smiling, my mind is buzzing with ideas and inspiration and I’m entering the next part of my day feeling great. 

If you’re not into podcasts – music, your favourite radio show or audiobooks are all awesome ideas to get your mind focused on something productive and fun, rather than getting frustrated and letting circumstances out of your control ruin your mood and day! 

The Little Things Count

As the saying goes… “Not every day is good, but there is something good in every day”. Once you develop this positive mindset, you’ll grab every moment possible and create something joyful from it. Everyone’s life is different – and what everyone takes joy from varies widely. But find ways to incorporate your favourite things into each day.

I try to add some small indulgence, something to smile about, even on the busiest, most stressful or mundane days…

Having my favourite meal for dinner. Cooking with Adam. Giving him an extra kiss before I leave. Starting a new book. Going for a walk. Texting a friend. Organising something fun. Watching my favourite Youtube channels. Cuddling my cats. Drinking from my favourite mug. Watching the birds in the garden with Mum. 

Create these moments of joy on purpose – with the intention of them adding positive vibes to your day. Watch how your mindset can completely change, and you’ll find yourself finding so many ways to add joy to life. You most likely already have some moments like this in your day – take mental note of them, make sure you get really present and savour those times. 

The little things truly count for a lot when it comes to creating a life that you love!

How are you going to create more joy in your day?

Leave me a comment, Tweet me or reach out to me via email at – can’t wait to carry on the conversation with you! 

Love, Kat x

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