If you’ve been around here a while, you may have seen me share the Being Boss Chalkboard Method multiple times. Check it out, as that’s the inspiration behind how I like to track and manifest my goals.
Okay, so what’s the big deal Kat, it’s just a whiteboard?
Whether you’re a right-brain, analytical person or spiritual goddess that prays to the Universe every day…or somewhere in between like me. You’ll get great results from this whiteboard (or chalkboard, pinboard, whatever floats your boat).
For the logical person – this method is proven to keep you focused, motivated and excited about your goals. Being able to see your progress and fill stuff in as you go, will push you into action even on the days you don’t wanna leave that comfort zone.
For the spiritual person – this method creates a physical space in your life just for your goals. Not only will it inspire you to take action, it’s also putting the intention ‘out there’ to the powers that be, that you’re here and you’re ready to rock.
Things have happened since creating this whiteboard that I dreamt about years ago. So yeah, there’s lots of hard work involved, but I also believe there’s a
Take a look at my 2019 Whiteboard for Quarter 1 (January-March)
Want more support with your 2019 goals? Have a look at my 2019 Goal Setting Workbook – available in print or as a digital copy!