Financial Tips for Female Entrepreneurs – with Bonnie Parsons, CEO of Seen on Screen

Seen on Screen Bonnie Parsons Financial Tips for Female Founders Put Yourself First Podcast Interview

Bonnie Parsons, CEO and Founder of Seen on Screen is on a mission to empower a generation of women through dance. She’s also been very open about her struggles to get investment funding as a female founder. So in today’s second interview with Bonnie, she shares her journey of raising a funding round and why she decided to do the first all-female funding round.

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Vest Pod – Bonnie’s favourite resource for women wanting to invest!

Some more money resources I use
Great YouTube channel from a lady in Scotland (so UK specific advice which I struggle to find!)
Money Saving Expert (free no BS advice on money and up to date info)
The Independent Girls Collective (membership that provides spreadsheet templates, bookkeeping/tax courses, etc. from an accountant)

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