How Self Love and Confidence Helps You Achieve Your Goals

Self belief and confidence has been a game changer in my business. 

When I started out a few years ago, my confidence was rock bottom! I had zero knowledge of the industry I was in. I had no connections. I was so shy and timid and really struggled to get myself out there. 

Starting my own business has been a journey of self discovery 

I’ve discovered I’m capable of more than I could ever have imagined. Seriously, if you’d told me 5 years ago some of the things I achieved in 2017, I’d have laughed. 

Honestly, I feel it all comes back to self belief. Believing in myself. Being my own cheerleader and #1 fan. Putting myself first and knowing I deserved it. 

So today’s video is a bit of an ‘ode’ to self confidence and how I feel it’s an essential part of your personal development if you’re even thinking about starting a business. Not just self employment, but any career or huge achievement that takes networking, brave decisions and a lot of hard work! 

I hope 2018 is the year you put yourself first and cultivate that self belief even further. 

Love & Good Vibes,
Kat x 

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